Potato Variety Management Institute
Smilin' Eyes (POR02PG26-5)
Smilin’ Eyes is a new variety released by the Tri-State Potato Research and Breeding team. It is an outstanding yellow fleshed, yellow skinned round tuber with pink “smilin’ eyes.”
t has exceptional flavor and excellent storage characteristics, producing light uniform colored fries, and flavor when baked, boiled or microwaved.
Requires medium to high levels of Nitrogen and has medium resistance to metribuzin.
Disease Ratings:
Early dying-susceptible
Common Scab- moderately resistant
PVY- resistant
PLRV- susceptible
Net Necrosis- susceptible
Late Blight Foliar- susceptible
Late Blight Tuber- susceptible
Smilin' Eyes Growers
This variety is currently held under an exclusive agreement with MacLean Farms Ltd.
If interested in growing, licensing or marketing in either Canada or the US, please contact:
Mary Gillis
MacLean Farms Ltd
219 Ashton Road
Coleman, PEI, C0B 1H0
Tel: 902 859 3020
Email: info@macleanfarmsltd.com
If interested in growing, licensing or marketing elsewhere, please contact PVMI:
Jenny Durrin Gentry
Tel: 208 242 2644
Email: jennypvmi@gmail.com