Potato Variety Management Institute
Alpine Russet (A9305-10)

Alpine Russet, known as A9305-10 prior to release, is a high yielding, medium to late maturing cultivar with oblong tubers, light russet skin and good processing quality following long-term storage.
Alpine Russet has moderately high specific gravity, resistances to sugar ends, tuber malformations and most internal and external defects. It is notable for a tuber dormancy most similar to that of Russet Burbank, making it an excellent candidate for long-term storage, with processing characteristics superior to that of Russet Burbank. Alpine Russet produces oblong tubers with medium thickness and light russet skin. The eyes are shallow in depth and intermediate in number and are predominately apical. Tuber set is low, and tuber size is medium large.
Alpine Russet has moderate resistance to scab and Verticillium wilt. It has a high early yield with large percentage of US No.1 tubers.
Its weaknesses include a light russet skin and susceptibility to PVY.
Alpine Russet Growers
Tri-State Growers
None at this time
Other US Growers
CSS Farms LLC, Colorado
Twin River Seed Farm, Minnesota
Whole Seed Farm, Nebraska
Enander Seed Farm, North Dakota
CK Jespersen Farms, Alberta